CS 4120: Analysis of Algorithms
C21 (Sophomore Year, Second Semester)

Course Description

“This course develops the skill of analyzing the behavior of algorithms. Topics include the analysis — with respect to average and worst case behavior — and correctness of algorithms for internal sorting, pattern matching on strings, graph algorithms, and methods such as recursion elimination, dynamic programming, and program profiling. Students will be expected to write and analyze programs. Undergraduate credit may not be earned both for this course and for CS 5084. Recommended background: Algorithms (CS 2223 or equivalent), and some knowledge of probability.”


Concepts Learned


My Experience

CS 4120 focused on creating and analyzing algorithms in a more mathematical sense. Looking at time and space performance for search, graph, and other algorithm types. Many techniques were looked at as well for optimizing algorithms for solving problems. Time factors (O(n)) and NP-completeness were also topics in the course.